Surya Yantra on Bhoj patra, an auspicious instrument use to appease the planet Sun ( Surya ). If Sun is in malefic situation in horoscope of a native, Bhojpatra Sun yantra is recommended to remove it’s malefic effects. Yantra blesses the worshiper with respect, good health, fortune, fame, comforts and luxuries in the life
Sun yantra on Bhoj patra made on every Friday in shukla paksha. It prepared by specific ink (draveya) and specific pen (kalam).
SUN is the supreme power of the SOLAR SYSTEM. In astrology as well, SUN is always on top in every manner.
• According to “Shrimadbhagvat”, SUN is situated in the center of the Universe between Heaven and the Earth. By SUN only, one can differentiate the directions, the Sky, the Space, the Heaven, the Hell and the Earth.
• SUN is the lord of sign LEO and the direction EAST. In astrology the SUN is known as the soul of “KAAL PURUSHA”. One should always wear Surya Yantra in case SUN is powerless of depleted in the Horoscope.
Surya Yantra destroys poverty and brings in the wealth and harmony to the wearer.Using Surya Yantra enhances native’s religious power.
• Surya Yantra protects the native from “BHOOT-PRET BADHA”, the fear of ghosts and evil powers.
• The SUN is the planet, which effects native’s father in every manner and every field of his life.
– If you are facing the Mahadasha or Antardasha of Surya, it is recommended to use Surya Yantra to appease Surya.
– If the positon of Surya in your horoscope is unfavourable and the time is not in your favour you are recommended to use Surya Yantra to overcome the troubles you are facing.
Using Surya Yantra created on Bhoj Patra blesses the native with all good in his business and profession like GARMENTS, JEWELRY, ORNAMENTS, MEDICINES, (may it be ALLOPATHIC, HOMEOPATHIC or AYURVEDIC). Also the good position of SUN grows the opportunities in the business of ELECTRONIC GOODS, ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE, PHOTOGRAPHY, WOOLEN CLOTHES, PASHMINA, COCONUT, PEANUTS, MUSTARD and RED COLORED PRODUCTS etc.
Surya Yantra is also used to cure the diseases occured due to melefic position of Surya in the horoscope of a native like HEART TROUBLE, BRAIN RELATED PROBLEMS, EYE DISEASES, FEVER, SORROW NESS, QUARRELSOME and NERVOUS SYSTEM AND BONES etc.

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