
Kanakdhara Yantra on Bhojpatra

Original price was: $202.79.Current price is: $132.60.

Kanakdhara yantra Helps in getting immense wealth, prosperity and luck. Establishing KanakDhara Yantra in this home can sure reverse the ill fate”. Establishing it at Home can open the doors to fortune for the whole family. Many avenues of earning open up suddenly; just like a river of gold has been diverted to the house.



Kanakdhara Yantra on Bhojpatra

Kanakdhara yantra Helps in getting immense wealth, prosperity and luck. Establishing KanakDhara Yantra in this home can sure reverse the ill fate”. Establishing it at Home can open the doors to fortune for the whole family. Many avenues of earning open up suddenly; just like a river of gold has been diverted to the house.


Kanakdhara yantra Helps in getting immense wealth, prosperity and luck. Establishing KanakDhara Yantra in this home can sure reverse the ill fate”. Establishing it at Home can open the doors to fortune for the whole family. Many avenues of earning open up suddenly; just like a river of gold has been diverted to the house. This yantra acts as Ramban and is a rare and most effective yantra for gaining wealth. Shri Adya Shankarayacharya used this yantra for arranging rain of gold balls. This yantra bestows Ashat Ridhi and Nav Sidhi. This is kept in temples, Cash Box and Almirahs. Its very powerful yantra to win unexpected wealth like gambling, horse racing, speculation etc.



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Kanakdhara Yantra on Bhojpatra
INR 15999
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